Christopher Colombus and The Afrikan Holocaust – John Henrik Clarke


In Christopher Colombus and The Afrikan Holocaust, John Henrik Clarke goes through the slave trade extensively

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Christopher Colombus and The Afrikan Holocaust


In Christopher Colombus and The Afrikan Holocaust, John Henrik Clarke goes through the slave trade extensively. He shows the roles of both various European world imperialist powers and African empires that played a role in the slave trade.

He uses references from Portuguese and Spaniard sources that show the role of Christopher Colombus and his crewmen in the AfriKan Holocaust as well as the holocaust against the indigenous people of america. He also shows how the crusades played a crucial role in the second rise of Europe and its exploitation of most of the world.

A great, passionate introduction to Chattell Slavery study promoting Pan-Africanism and a better awareness of the struggle. The A&B edition isn’t greatly printed though.

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